Transformation Bible Defense Book

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What if I tell you that dividing the bible into Old and New Testament is not scriptural in itself. This is the purpose of this book.

There are many controversies and misconceptions about the bible today that are direct consequences of wrongly dividing the bible into two parts or dispensations(Old&New Testament). And this defence book has provided a vital solution to end many of these controversies and misunderstandings today.

Moreover, this transformation bible will ensure many controversies are resolved and further misconceptions prevented in the future.

In This Book You Will Learn;



1. Very wonderful piece, eye-opening and straight forward—Solomon David

2. Bold introduction. Very catchy. In chapter two. Reading through why Gen-Ex 24 isn’t the Old Testament. Good reasoning there too. Apt. Succinct. Perfect. The beginning, Old Testament, The Change and the New Testament. Great apologetic there. We look forward. The work is well researched. Thank you for your efforts.

All Grace Sir----Apostle Phil Mike Paku

3. That's right. Nice research----Nelson Daniel

4. Is the bible fully ready or are you just starting to work on it? If it is ready I will be ready to provide the foreword, but let me know. There is no doubt that there is a need for such a transformation bible. I also believe that a lot of teachings I am starting to do on transformation could also help you in getting this bible ready—Pastor Sunday Adelaja

5. The transformation bible will be an improved version of the bible that will enable the modern digital generation to have easy access and understanding of the word of God. I love your write-ups, they are always thought-provoking, breaking the edge of things and bringing forth new light (revelation) on tough issues. You are a man of depth. ---Vivian Igbafe

6. God bless you, Sir, this is insightful, shows clearly the four different dispensations--- Aloagbaye Israel Momodu

7. It is loaded--Dennis Aseijeobhor

8. Great work. But please kindly consult John.C.Maxwell leadership bible in the final preparation of the bible-- Paul GoodNews Ohanyere

9. We are in the time of the end when God says a lot of mysteries will be revealed (Dan.12:4) and knowledge will increase. The revelation knowledge that birthed the discovery conveyed in and by the Transformation Bible is an aspect of the fulfilment of the prophecy in Daniel 12:4 and I thank and praise our God that our "unknown" brother Olaolu has been found worthy before Him to receive the revelation and spearhead this great revolution. More oil to your head, brother.---- Oluwole Festus

10. In regard to the Transformation Bible, I have read it twice in order to grasp it. Let me commend you for a great work done. Publishing a New version of the Holy Bible that will be the same in content but different from its structure and arrangement would be very tasking and questionable. Yes, we are in the digital age of which makes the Transformation Bible sacrosanct. I honestly see the reasons for your findings. You may be right in your submission… May God continue to endow you as you continue to impact lives through the Gospel.----Joseph Kanu

11. ''Transformation Bible is the singular most important book I have read about Christianity.

It is a book that shows you how to study your Bible the way you ought to.

It points out the flaws of the biblical structure that has lingered for over a thousand years, that even self-acclaimed oracles of God have not been able to decipher.

This book should be given to Christians everywhere to study, meditate on and seminar upon in groups of tens, hundreds and thousands in order to reform our minds from an age-long stereotype that has adulterated Christianity for ages.

Thank you for dishing out this divine meal for millions of malnourished Christians.

Thanks sir''----Peretiemo Adipere

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Transformation Bible Defense Book

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